Xeno Series Music Sorter
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September 9th, 2023:
  • Site has been officially launched!

Original by Reinasakuraba | Clear Save Data

Please leave feedback here!

You can contact me on Twitter at @FourthStrongest or on Discord at FourthStrongest#1337

Special thanks to the Xeno music Discord server run by rtg142857! Without their help, a lot of this work would be a lot harder.

Sorter for Xeno series music. Pick your sources, and hit the Start button.

Certain options have details that you can hover to read.

Click on the music you like better from the two, or tie them if you like them equally or don't know them.

Depending on how many sources you pick, you'll get up to 200+ picks, so set aside a good few cups of tea for this.

Keyboard controls during sorting: H/LeftArrow (pick left) J/DownArrow (undo) K/UpArrow (tie) L/RightArrow (pick right) S (save progress).

Before sorting: S/Enter (start sorting) L (load progress).

1/2/3 always correspond to the first/second/third buttons.